Monday, 31 March 2008

Back to Work

I've been on holiday. I'm feeling refreshed, renewed and invigorated - and I'm confidently expecting all that good health and happiness to be dissipated within the next 48 hours. The long faces around here would be quite comical if I didn't expect to be joining their ranks imminently.

Events, events. Bear Stearns - what banker didn't shudder with horror and simultaneously twitch with delight at that great hubristic beast's fall? As for the FSA's mea culpa, about time. From a comfortable distance, I must say, the whole mess took on a rather surreal glow. Nothing like being abroad with one's lovely family to render all things financial quite trivial. That is, apart from the correct working of a foreign ATM. Certainly, when my daredevil son fell off a 10ft wall and split his chin open, I can genuinely say that nothing in the world seemed more important than getting him to the nearest hospital. A dozen banks could have collapsed that afternoon and I wouldn't have cared.

Back to work. Oh, joy.