Thursday, 17 May 2007


My psychotherapist has decided the root of all my evil is money. I thought she was joking, but it seems not. My conscious and subconscious thoughts are apparently too steeped in the financial for me to live a healthy life.

She told me to change my profession.

I said I couldn’t afford to.

She said I had to learn money isn’t important.

I suggested in that case we could dispense with her sizeable invoices.

She told me to find something in life that was completely detached from money. She told me I need a project that will take my mind off pounds and dollars and euros for a few hours each week.

That way, she assures me, lies my salvation.


Anonymous said...

I have been most unsuccessful at the "hobby" or "personal growth" area of my life, I don't know what to do when neither office nor family duties beckon...

sanskritg said...


Wolfie said...

Sex is a good way to take your mind off money, that is if you don't have to pay for it.