Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Is anybody out there?

I do slightly wonder if anyone is reading this anymore. Anonymity is all very well, but one can't help craving a little reaction to one's musings.

Feedback, please, or I shall just continue droning on about island ecology and keep the juicy client stuff to myself.

If you don't want to add a comment, you can contact me at absolutelyconfidential@hush.com


Anonymous said...

I am! Keep writing!

Bernardo d'Orey said...

always reading. Daily basis. Keep on your client stuff it is very interesting and a good read.
Interesting that you are moving away from clients, was it what your doctor ordered? :-)

Anonymous said...

I like the island stuff

Anonymous said...

I bet that after that FT story your blog is getting thousands of hits per day. I check for new posts every few days, mostly because I like to keep making up my mind on whether this is a hoax or not. I find it interesting that someone can write and show so much interest for all those things that people get used to in their jobs. Like concealed entrances. Either this is a hoax (by a member of the public) or the author has an excellent grasp of the things that the public is interested in.

Anonymous said...

I can assure you plenty of people are reading you. Keep going - it's entertaining :)

Anonymous said...

Keep it goig! Good reading!

neurotik said...

I'm reading.

You've even somewhat inspired me, and I've added private banker to the possible jobs I'd like to be in in a number of years together with fund manager, consultant, and investment banker.

And I do study finance so I'm not just dreaming.

Anyway, great stuff, man. I check for new posts about every other day.

Anonymous said...

Please keep writing. You're on my favourites list.

The Woodland Trust might give you advice about your "island".

Anonymous said...


That's a simple service for adding a hit counter on your site. For deeper analysis this one might be better:


Anonymous said...

I have no background in banking nor the wealth to need your services, but I do enjoy your writing.

Absolutely Confidential said...

Thank you to everyone who emailed me or posted comments here. Some entertaining responses! I am heartened.