Sunday 22 April 2007

Boy Wonder

Now I know I'm in trouble. Thank you, "lucy", for the news that the FT piece has been picked up by The Week. A number of clients who would never dream of buying the FT, including Mrs X of Cornwall, are devoted readers of The Week.

I look forward to Cornish storms hitting a small corner of the City sometime tomorrow.

My son, by the way, has spent the day training for next year's London marathon. Is there a lower age limit? If so, he is several years short of it (although I don't think he has been made aware of this yet by his mother, to whom I always delegate such high-risk news-bearing). Nonetheless, he thinks he is in with a chance of winning. He had me time him over a distance of two hundred metres in a nearby lane, then extrapolated - using unfaultable mathematics - to a time of just under two hours for the whole course.

I shall be the proudest father in Christendom.


Anonymous said...

You're a great writer. If burn-out gives rise to prose this entertaining, then your pain is our gain. But I'm still glad you're feeling better.

vixis said...

how do you retain focus though? The only way I seem to get thru the banking day is with caffeine and chocolate...