Monday, 17 September 2007

Bank Theft

Here's a Monday morning nonsense to take your mind off Northern Rock.

LL has put out a memo demanding the immediate return of the five-pound note that (I quote) "was illegitimately removed by persons unknown over the weekend" from his desk.

Quite apart from the fact that LL earns well over 300K and should be a good few miles above this kind of schoolroom communique, does he honestly think the demand is going to have any effect? Suppose some light-fingered lad in the Middle Office actually did purloin his fiver - and I struggle to believe it - the last thing he's going to do on receipt of this stern bulletin is rush to expiate his grievous sin. Like the rest of the office, he'll be too busy laughing. This is a bank, for goodness sake! You can't go around accusing people of theft in a bank. That is, I mean to say, not on such a risible scale at least.

There is no love lost between LL and I, but I do feel sorry for him that he has made such an ass of himself so early on in the week.

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